Criminal Defence

  • What We Do

  • Criminal Defence

    From the minor to the most serious of crimes, at the Police Station and in Court

    Criminal Defence
  • Motoring Offences

    We understand how important your driving licence is and will help you fight to protect it

    Motoring Offences
  • Armed Forces

    Specialist representation for all Service personnel in military and civilian jurisdictions

    Armed Forces
  • Youth Justice

    Protecting the most vulnerable people in the Criminal Justice System

    Youth Justice
Criminal Defence Image - Service Page

Criminal Defence

We understand that facing criminal proceedings can be a very stressful and worrying experience and it is important to have a specialist criminal lawyer defending you.

Our team of skilled and experienced Criminal lawyers will defend you at every stage: from the police station investigation through to court proceedings.  You can trust that we will be on your side and will represent you from beginning to end.  We have dedicated police station lawyers, experienced magistrates’ court solicitors, and a specialist in-house advocacy team of barristers and a solicitor-advocate. We also work closely with defence barristers from chambers locally and nationally, should you require additional expertise.

We can represent you in criminal courts in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire, and beyond. In addition, we have criminal lawyers who have undertaken further qualifications to be part of the Court and Police Station duty schemes. Our team members are on the Poole Court Duty Solicitor Scheme and the Bournemouth & Poole 24-Hour Police Station Duty Solicitor Scheme.

Police Line - Criminal Defence

General Crime

We can represent you in all aspects of Criminal Defence work, including the following:

  • Violent Crime: common assault and assault by beating, criminal damage, ABH, GBH, kidnapping, blackmail, robbery, manslaughter, murder
  • Sexual Offences: rape, assault by penetration, sexual assault, sexual activity with a minor, downloading/possessing indecent images and extreme pornographic images, sexual communications
  • Drugs Offences: conspiracy to supply drugs, possession with intent to supply, possession of drugs, cultivation/production of cannabis
  • Dishonesty Offences: theft, handling stolen goods, burglary, fraud, money laundering
  • Proceeds of Crime: detention and forfeiture of cash, confiscation proceedings
  • Public Order Offences: racially/religiously aggravated offences, Public Order Act offences, ASBIs, outraging public decency, drunk & disorderly; possession of an offensive weapon/bladed article
  • Domestic Abuse/Vulnerable Victim Related Crime: assault, harassment, stalking, Domestic Violence Protective Orders (DVPOs) breach of protective orders (non-molestation order, restraining orders, and DVPOs), threats to kill
  • Police & Emergency Services Related Crime: assault PC, resist PC, obstruct PC, assault emergency worker
  • Dangerous Dogs & Animal Welfare Prosecutions: negligence offences, dangerously out of control
  • Offences Relating to Court Proceedings: perverting the course of justice, witness intimidation, contempt of court

We are also able to advise and represent you for appeals against conviction and/or sentence, as well as providing advice on making a statutory declaration, and applying to the magistrates’ court to re-open proceedings (under s.142 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980).

How We Can Represent You

At the Police Station

If you are arrested or invited for an interview under caution by the police or other investigative agency, you have the right to be represented by a solicitor of your choice.  We strongly advise that you are always legally represented. Being interviewed by the police is one of the most crucial stages in criminal proceedings. Get it wrong and the outcome will be very different to what you’re hoping for. Anyone who thinks that it ‘will be over more quickly if I don’t have a solicitor’, or ‘I haven’t done anything wrong, I just need to tell my side’ is demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of police investigations. You need to be represented by us to properly understand:

  • What offences the police are investigating and interviewing you for;
  • The evidence the police have against you so far and whether it is sufficient to prove anything;
  • How to decide whether you should answer questions or give ‘no comment’ answers.

You should contact us immediately to arrange for Hill Twine Solicitors & Barristers to represent you at the Police Station.

At Court

If you have been charged with a criminal offence and have a hearing at the magistrates’ court or Crown Court it is essential that you are represented by our specialist Criminal Defence solicitors and barristers. The prosecution will always be represented by somebody who is legally qualified, why should you be at a disadvantage? To get the best outcome you need to fully understand:

  • the offences you are charged with;
  • whether there are defences available to you;
  • if the evidence against you is sufficient to lead to a conviction;
  • how to prepare so your case is presented in the best possible way;
  • the consequences of a conviction and the sentence you could receive.

You will be at a great disadvantage if you are not legally represented and there is a significant risk that you will not get the best outcome for you and your case.

You should contact us immediately to arrange for Hill Twine Solicitors & Barristers to represent you at Court.


Legal Aid

We can always represent you free of charge for interviews under caution by the police or other investigative agency.  We can also represent you for free in any further proceedings, subject to your eligibility for legal aid. We can advise you on whether you are likely to qualify for funding and will make an application for a Representation Order on your behalf .  You will benefit from our extensive experience working with the Legal Aid Agency to secure public funding to represent you.

Private Funding

We offer competitive rates and fixed fees if you are not eligible for legal aid.  Contact us to discuss your options and we can provide you with a quotation.

If you have any questions or need advice
