Contact Us

  • What We Do

  • Criminal Defence

    From the minor to the most serious of crimes, at the Police Station and in Court

    Criminal Defence
  • Motoring Offences

    We understand how important your driving licence is and will help you fight to protect it

    Motoring Offences
  • Armed Forces

    Specialist representation for all Service personnel in military and civilian jurisdictions

    Armed Forces
  • Youth Justice

    Protecting the most vulnerable people in the Criminal Justice System

    Youth Justice

Get in touch

If you are:

  • Making an initial enquiry about our services
  • Considering whether to instruct us to represent you and would like further information
  • Represented by us and would like to speak to us about your ongoing case

Please contact us using one of the methods below:

Contact details

Call us

Our office is open every weekday (Monday to Friday) between the hours of 9am and 5pm.  To contact us during these hours please call:

01202 159166

There is a voicemail message system if you call us outside of our office hours.  We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week for anyone who needs advice and assistance at the police station.  To get in contact with us when you are at a police station, please tell the police you want to speak to someone from Hill Twine Solicitors.

Email us

For enquiries please email [email protected] or send us a message using the form below:

"*" indicates required fields

Write to us

Hill Twine Solicitors, Second Floor 7 Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1JU

If you have a pre-arranged appointment at our office the map below will help you find us (unfortunately, we cannot deal with enquiries at our office without an appointment).  Our office address is Second Floor 7 Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1JU.  If you are driving to our office the closest car park is the Madeira Road multi-storey car park (BH1 1QQ).

Access to our office premises is via gates on both Old Christchurch Road and Lorne Park Road.  Press the buzzer marker ‘Hill Twine Solicitors and Barristers’ for access.



Location map for Hill Twine Solicitors

Feedback and Complaints

We are committed to providing the highest quality service and value feedback from our clients. This feedback will assist us in identifying the things we do well and the areas where we need to improve. If we have represented you, please complete our Online Client Feedback Form.  Please note, this form should not be used to make a complaint about our services. If you wish to make a complaint, please read our Complaints Procedure.

We thank you for taking the time to give us your valued feedback.