Sarah Hill Appointed a Director of Hill Twine Solicitors Image
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Sarah Hill Appointed a Director of Hill Twine Solicitors

Hill Twine Solicitors is absolutely delighted to announce Sarah Hill's appointment as a Director. Sarah joined the firm as Business Manager in April 2020 and, although she currently has a non-practising role, she is a qualified lawyer. She became a barrister in 2005 and cross-qualified to become a solicitor in 2014. Sarah joined Hill Twine Solicitors from HMCTS. She became a Justices' Legal Adviser in 2008, working extremely hard to become the Family Legal Team Manager for Devon, Cornwall & Dorset in 2016. Sarah brings to the firm a wealth of expertise, both in terms of legal knowledge and managerial experience. Although she joined Hill Twine Solicitors in 2020, Sarah has been on the sidelines right from the beginning, supporting Kevin Hill to start the firm in 2013 and develop it through the years with Todd Twine. She knows the firm inside out and we are extremely fortunate to have her on board as a Director. Kevin and Sarah are looking forward to building on the firm's successes and are very excited about what the future holds for Hill Twine Solicitors.

Read more about Sarah Hill here.

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